Let Nico Davis wash over you in the infatuating sugary dream of his latest single, “Cherry.”
The track opens with gentle, immersive music with swirling synths and woozy Rhodes piano that lulls you in like a shimmering, rippling lake. To ground the melody, we hip-hop vibes coming through with steady lo-fi beats. This interplay creates a trance-like state, enabling you to balance focus with the smooth depth to fall inside. It is also perfect for letting go of your worries and getting lost in the music.
Nico Davis’s vocals baritone are smooth and emotional, full of vulnerability and a touch of innocent yearning. He lays his heart bare, singing about wanting to win someone over, but with a hint of defeat lurking beneath the surface. The honesty in his voice is undeniable, making you root for him all the way. The chorus is a simple yet powerful plea: “Cherry, won’t you let me know?/Tell me do you feel the rhythm in your soul.” But it shows that he is absolutely head over heels, and loves this person truly and desires to know them.
“Cherry” is a perfect example of Nico Davis’s unique sound. Drawing inspiration from a wide range of artists, from hip-hop legends like J Dilla to electronic masters like James Blake, he creates a genre-bending blend that’s both innovative and incredibly listenable.
This single picks up right where Davis left off with his debut EP, Head in the Clouds, and leaves us eagerly anticipating his next release, “Margarita,” dropping at the end of July. Stay tuned with Nico Davis and his heartfelt honesty.

Review by Naomi Joan