Cowboy Killer by Dogboy: Review

Who’s up for some groovy indie rock, folks? Presenting Dogboy, a band that’ll entice your senses with their track “Cowboy Killer.” What makes it an exciting mix of sounds is the combination of mellow surf rock guitars with an indie feel. Altogether, it’s directed by a passionate singer at the helm who ushers us to hear their tale.
“Cowboy Killer” has a pretty chill intro. The guitars have a neat tone and are accompanied by a clean bassline. The tempo is easy to follow and vibe with, especially when a poetic singer blends with the rhythm. Speaking of which, I mentioned earlier about surf rock being infused in Dogboy’s tune. Well, it’s in the guitar arrangements, particularly where overdriven and reverbed lead notes are present. Its inclusion has a rather thrilling effect on the song and makes hearing it all the more worthwhile. I admire how the band was able to maintain that flow with their instrumental bits. The drums did a fantastic job whenever the tempo shifted, and it pertains to the idea of taking shape to define any melody. Well yeah, rock and roll needs a solid drummer to signal their pulse, am I right? And Dogboy, as a group, had stellar chemistry in affirming that.
Folks, if you seek a resonant indie rock number, then look no further than “Cowboy Killer” by Dogboy. Their fresh and unique take on the genre is impressive, and I wouldn’t miss it if I were you!

Review by: Damien Reid