Ooberfuse sheds light on the devastating effects of the ongoing war in Gaza in their latest single, “Dying Son,” featuring Palestinian multi-instrumentalists Charlie Rishmawi and Miguel Khair. Through soul-stirring lyrics and emotive melodies, the song captures the profound grief and anguish experienced by a mother who has lost her beloved child in the Holy Land’s premises.
From the opening notes, “Dying Son” sets a somber and contemplative tone, with delicate instrumentation that allows the vocals to take center stage. The lead singer’s head voice, soft and controlled, carries a weight of sorrow as she sings of the incomprehensible loss and the desperate plea for understanding: “Oh Lord, why did this happen to me?/Oh Lord, I still love my enemies.” These refrains echo with raw emotion, reflecting the enduring pain and resilience of those affected by the conflict.
Accompanied by the gentle strumming of Charlie Rishmawi’s oud and Miguel Khai’s rhythmic percussion, the song builds a haunting soundscape that transports listeners to the war-torn landscapes of Gaza. The backing vocals, sighing and wailing in the background, add an ethereality to the music, amplifying the sense of loss and devastation.
The accompanying music video, with scenes of desolation and destruction in ashen ruins, further underscores the harrowing reality of those living amidst conflict.
In addition to its artistic merits, “Dying Son” intends to send its proceeds to the UK charity Friends of the Holy Land, to support those suffering in Gaza and the West Bank.
Released this March 21, “Dying Son” comes extremely timely as it shows how art can be a powerful tool in standing up against injustice.

Review By: Naomi Joan