Ethic Endless Fun by Beatdenker: Album Review

“Ethic Endless Fun” is an experimental electronica album by fresh artist Beatdenker. The musician doesn’t follow the norms of EDM but rather blends their own unique take in the mix. If you enjoy the tropes of avant-garde, especially in the realm of digital music, this album should satisfy that essence for you.
The album opens up with the musical trip that is “Hello, This Is The Ethic Endless Fun Album.” Melodically euphoric in its charm, the song has a strong array of beats and synthesizers that go along with it. Directing its force towards glitch music, the opening number certainly made a positive impression! All of the songs on this experimental album have eccentric names, and to be fairly honest I was quite surprised at this level of authenticity. Music truly has no boundaries and this stands as a pleasant narrative for it. Moving on with Beatdenker’s music was a mind-bending experience, and it escalated with the arrival of “But Can I Play With The Robots Again”? A hard-hitting beat number, the entire song involves a bit of dubstep to create a truly invigorating melody.
“Ok, I’ll Check The Time Machine And Some More Beats” reminds me of jazz music, particularly the essence of bebop jazz. For some reason, the fast-paced rhythm section and the presence of energetic beats pertained to the allure of improvisational magic arriving from jazz’s spontaneity. Overall, the entire album was a fascinating electronic voyage that any experimental musician would appreciate.

Review by: Damien Reid