A hybrid of Scandipop and Arabic pop, Therése’s music combines her Lebanese and Swedish ancestry and has topped charts all over the world. With her own band, Neaimé, she has performed live across North America, Europe, and the Middle East. She has entertained NATO troops in Afghanistan and served as Simply Red’s opening act while they were touring Europe.
Therése has performed live in Cairo as a representative of the Swedish Foreign Ministry in order to advance Swedish-Arab relations. Therése has served as a brand ambassador for both the Swedish Foundation for Children with Cancer and Volkswagen Middle East.
She has appeared at numerous high-profile events for the King and Crown Princess of Sweden. She headlined the Pride events in Copenhagen and Cape Town in 2019 and 2020, respectively.
She had major roles in both theater and film in the years 2017 and 2018. Therése is also a published author, and her book “From dream to reality” was just released.
Therése became the first ever Swede to win a Hollywood Music in Media Award for Dance with her song “Dance Love” in January 2021. Therése is nominated for the Swedish Event Academy’s Fool Award, which is the largest individual award in the event industry, in addition to her Hollywood victory, for having the audacity to change things up in a sector that would have otherwise remained stagnant during the pandemic.

This new song, which showcases the artist’s stunning voice and her ability to continuously incorporate fresh concepts and develop her sound while still producing something incredibly catchy and relatable, feels like a very natural step forward for her career. For instance, the choruses have a much more contemporary indie-pop vibe than the verses, which almost sound like Motown music. These choruses also have some incredible vocal hooks and fantastic textures that perfectly fuel the production’s dynamics. There is also room for a fantastic guitar solo, which would add a lovely organic touch to the composition!
If you are unfamiliar with the music of Therése, “Fools Gold” is a great place to start. Additionally, the song feels like the ideal complement to the shifting mood of the season!
Learn more about Therése Neaimé and make sure to catch “Fools Gold.” Some of the best online music streaming services now offer this fresh studio work & Check out the exclusive interview below:

1. Can you tell us a bit about where you come from and how you got started?
THERÉSE NEAIMÉ: Growing up, music and dancing was always present in my home. Can´t count the numerous dance contests I participated in. Early in life I was also inspired by anyone who believed enough in themselves to go for their dreams. Therefore, it was an easy decision to follow that same path. I truly believe life is about becoming the best version of ourselves. Following a path of excellence can be difficult, but not doing so should scare me even more. ”Ask and you might receive! Dare and you will gain!”
2. Did you have any formal training or are you self-taught?
THERÉSE NEAIMÉ: Growing up as a dancer I always loved being on stage. On a world tour in Mexico City, working as a background singer and dancer behind a famous act called Pandora, the urge to write and compose my own songs got stronger. Shortly after I decided to go for my dream and apply for a music school in L.A. Musicians Institute. A school located in the heart of Hollywood. I got accepted and moved to L.A in 1999. Looking back, this was probably one of the best decisions I ever made. In L.A I finally became the singer / songwriter I always wanted to be.
3. Who were your first and strongest musical influences and why the name ‘THERÉSE NEAIMÉ’?
THERÉSE NEAIMÉ: Any artist who believe in themselves enough to go for their dreams. Starting my singing career out of L.A, one of my main influencers was the renowned British artist SADE. Watching her and her amazing live band on stage in San Diego in 2001 had a huge impact on me. In my early repertoire I used to cover many of Sades hitsongs. I truly believe singing her songs influenced me in many ways as an artist. For instance, on my latest studio work, Fools Gold you will find that very same and classic Latin touch that Sade used in many of her productions.
The name Therése Neaimé is simply my birth name. At one point in my early career the idea came up to take on another and more “artsy” name. I think believe it was the name Cleopatra. Did not feel right. Since my inspiration, when writing new songs, is mainly influenced from my own life, my birth name also feels more honest. This is me.
4. What do you feel are the key elements in your music that should resonate with listeners, and how would you personally describe your sound?
THERÉSE NEAIMÉ: I believe my music has a modern pop/edm sound with roots in the Swedish tradition of top songwriting and music making. A music that combines my Swedish and Lebanese heritage, into a Scandipop hybrid. Sometimes also combined with an Arabic flavor.
A mix that combines the best of two worlds. I have always been proud to say that I see myself as 50 / 50. My heritage being half Swedish and half Lebanese. With an international sound, hopefully more people can relate.

I don´t think I could just pick one of those. For me being an indie artist involves all the above. To be included in every step along the way makes it authentic to me. To develop the song from an idea that starts with you to the result being performed on stage, is exciting. I also love the promotional part of it. The planning, and the development of your personal brand. To be able to move forward without having to ask anyone for permission is key. I also want to mention all the invaluable collaborations that comes along the way. As exciting each and every time to see how a new song develops.
6. What’s your view on the role and function of music as political, cultural, spiritual, and/or social vehicles – and do you try and affront any of these themes in your work, or are you purely interested in music as an expression of technical artistry, personal narrative and entertainment?
THERÉSE NEAIMÉ: When your music comes from your own heart, I don´t think you can separate the two. The private side of yourself and the public. They go hand in hand. When I write I’m very often inspired by both the cultural, spiritual and social side of it. Only Political thoughts is something I haven´t explored in my music so far. As an author and influencer, I do believe that we need to sometimes touch these subjects to make a more personal statement. As a public person I believe it comes with the profession.
7. Do you feel that your music is giving you back just as much fulfilment as the amount of work you are putting into it, or are you expecting something more, or different in the future?
THERÉSE NEAIMÉ: When music is your true passion, I don´t think that you really have a choice. Entering the music field was a decision made from the heart. What I mean is that I just keep going. Either it´s about writing the next song or producing the next music video. If my main reason was to expect something back, I don´t think I would have lasted last long in this, at times, very tough industry. Does is sound strange? I do believe that if you´re in this business just for the fame or for the next headline, I would be hard to last the whole distance.
8. Could you describe your creative processes? How do usually start, and go about shaping ideas into a completed song? Do you usually start with a tune, a beat, or a narrative in your head? And do you collaborate with others in this process?
THERÉSE NEAIMÉ: It has always been important to me that my music comes from my heart. Therefore, a new song of mine, very often starts with my idea on what the subject should be. Usually, aself experienced subject. Then I usually meet up with my musicians in the studio and start jamming. From there we build the melody and develop the lyrics together. Sometimes I write most of the lyrics myself. I truly love the whole collaboration idea. To bring out the best in each and everyone in the creating process.
9. What has been the most difficult thing you’ve had to endure in your life or music career so far?
THERÉSE NEAIMÉ: During the last two years it´s been the worldwide pandemic. With most of the concerts cancelled, many artists faced the same economic problems. If I would mention one more thing, I believe it can sometimes be hard for independent artists to be heard. My wish would be a larger window for new upcoming artists to face a warmer welcome into the music scene.
10. On the contrary, what would you consider a successful, proud or significant point in your life or music career so far?
THERÉSE NEAIMÉ: Luckily there´s been quite a few. To highlight some, performing for the NATO troops in Afghanistan and being the opening act for Simply Red on their European tour was something to be remembered. Another proud moment was being selected by the Swedish Government as a notable personality for the cause of Swedish-Arab relationships. In 2008 I became the Brand Ambassador for Volkswagen Middle East and as a result of that I also ended up on the cover of Arabian Woman magazine. As a role model for women who wants to pursue their dream and still race a family. Another highlight was singing a duet with Randy Jackson from the Jackson Five. I will also never forget being the headlining act at the Cape Town and Copenhagen Pride 2019-2020. Winning the best “Dance Song” at the Hollywood music in Media Awards in 2021 was a significant point which opened a lot of new doors. For which I will be forever grateful.