Expensive Things by Chloe & the Brainwaves: Review

“Expensive Things” has a powerful essence to it. Without a doubt, the music will thrill and excite you. The tune is brought to us by energetic act Chloe & the Brainwaves. Hence, this bonafide track will launch you into the stratosphere and land you safely back on Earth just in time to rock out to its ending. It’s an excellent number with a vibrant aura that’ll keep you engaged, so stay tuned!
Chloe & the Brainwaves initiates their melodic tale with a resonant vocal sequence alongside reverbed guitar chords. Eventually, when the percussions entered, the explosiveness of the song was felt, and we were off to an amazing start. Aside from that, there’s an ebb and flow to the track where the transitions mix it up a bit. From slow segments to more faster verses, the music has an epic tone that’ll captivate you. In addition, the bass guitar’s arrangement is absolutely stunning, and its existence on the tune kept everything balanced.
There’s a sea of musicians sailing from one record-breaking track to another, and it’s nice to witness their ascent toward the big leagues. In that very regard, I hope only the best for Chloe & the Brainwaves! This is because their song “Expensive Things” has plenty of potential, and I’m sure will impress many fans of the indie rock movement.

Review by: Damien Reid