“Little Bit Shy” by British-born artist Nathan Mercado, known as Spider Cherry, is a wild and electrifying ride through glam and alternative rock, contemporary pop, and carnival music. Released on January 19th, the song captivates listeners with its explosive energy and unapologetic attitude.
From the outset, “Little Bit Shy” grabs your attention with heavy guitar riffing, thumping drums, and playful stuttering piano keys. Spider Cherry’s gloomy yet resigned vocals set the stage for an explosive chorus where blazing guitars harmonize with a smashing rhythm section, creating a jam-worthy atmosphere that keeps you nodding your head throughout.
The accompanying music video is a spectacle in itself, showcasing high-profile videography and production. It follows Spider Cherry’s transformation from man to baby as he embraces his ADHD and indulges in unrestrained hedonistic behavior.
Despite the craziness, “Little Bit Shy” gets into the seriousness of Spider Cherry’s struggles with ADHD and the consequences of his impulsive behavior. “I’m just a sufferer/Of ADHD” and “Been down/Wondering why/She’s out with another guy” capture his experiences and emotions.
Written and recorded by Spider Cherry himself, mixed by Adrian Hall, and mastered at Sterling Sound, “Little Bit Shy” gets creative, infectious and catchy.
So, if you’re ready to embrace your quirks and celebrate your unique selves, look no further than “Little Bit Shy” by Spider Cherry. Stream it now on Spotify and Apple Music, and get ready to unleash your inner wild child.
Review By: Naomi Joan