Lividus released striking new single ‘Digital Boy’

The energetic offering ‘Digital Boy’, by Lividus, is both exciting and educational. Lividus, a project born out of the Covid lock down, is the creation of songwriter and producer Matt Beesley. Matt Beesley, who is not one to waste time or worry, created Lividus using Airgigs, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, and other tools to establish a “virtual” studio. Ironically, the newest single sharply criticizes the state of society today, focusing in particular on the youth of this generation and their fixation on technology at the expense of the real world.
Chris Huynh’s soaring vocals, arena-ready guitar riffs, and a thunderous chorus make up ‘Digital Boy’, a song that both challenges and entertains. The listener is energized by the fast riffs, thrashing percussion, and catchy melodies. To create an instantly resonant hit, Matt Beesley distills his inspiration from Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Jethro Tull. ‘Digital Boy’ is the ideal Trojan Horse to rouse a dozing generation because he has adjusted to the tastes and attention span of today while still remaining true to himself.
Check out his new song here!