Lost by Ceyeo: Review

A heartwarming hip-hop ode arrives in “Lost” which is a track captured perfectly by Ceyeo. It’s got RnB’s soothing cadence, and the vibe ensures that a comfortable melody greets your soul. Expressive and artistic at the same time, Ceyeo ensures that audiences enter his realm of melodies with a happy heart and maintain that elation as rap intertwines with an intriguing tune.
The poetic verses of “Lost”, are a combination of clean instrumentals, alongside a strong backing vocal presence. From lovely guitars brought to us by Max Honsinger who also mixed and mastered the track, to Liliia Kysil’s clean voice keeping us company, Ceyeo’s raptastic presence is uplifted with his musical companions tagging along.
The music of Ceyeo feels like a rebirth of hip-hop, but at the same time pertains to a classic sound reminiscent of the early 2000s. The first aspect comes from his passionate vocals and rap technique. The bars feel natural, and modern, with a chill LoFi beat attached to them. As for the classic setting, well it reminds me of rap music’s emotional stance in the good old days. There was a time when teenage angst got the best of me, and the only way to cure that baggage was a fire hip-hop number that had a lit instrumental section tagging along. This fact comes through strongly in “Lost” by Ceyeo, and I’m truly glad the artist did such a spectacular job of grabbing an audience with his words and making the world sit quietly and listen.

Review by: Damien Reid