nosedive by INGOODFRM: Review

Dublin-based band INGOODFRM makes music that’ll cheer you up in a second. Their song “nosedive” is a blend of atmospheric sounds from the shoegaze and indie genres. Hearing it from beginning to end will put a smile on your face because the musical aura clears your head and fills it entirely with good vibes.
“nosedive” enters with a clean guitar intro that has a bit of reverb attached to it and acts as the central rhythm for the entirety of the track. It has a fresh tone and is an ideal jam. Afterward, moody vocals enter the picture and form a bond with the melody. The poetry and ethereal quality of the singer match the track’s cadence and theme perfectly. Ultimately, it’s an experience that shoegaze fans would rejoice at. Apart from that, steady percussion keeps the song’s tempo at a pleasant pace. It doesn’t rush into anything, and that’s an ideal setting for the rhythm section to shine. Altogether, it’s a natural flow of sound that greets your soul and keeps you company for as long as you want.
Shoegaze is such a magical genre. For years now, I’ve been discovering intriguing categories of music on the internet, and by far, Shoegaze has moved me the most. Aside from LoFi and synthwave, of course, the aforementioned genre is also a treasured one because of its blend of atmospheric sounds. And I do love a bit of atmosphere in music! Thus, this is why I’d highly recommend hearing INGOODFRM’s tune, “nosedive.” Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.

Credit: Joshua Mulholland
Review by: Damien Reid