NOT READY TO DIE by Clare Easdown: Review

“NOT READY TO DIE” is a mysterious dark-pop song by Clare Easdown. She never fails to amaze us with complex melodies and dramatic themes. This time around, she raises a vital topic relating to the environment and climate as a whole. The track’s essence has plenty of emotion tied to it, and it evokes the musician’s message for our precious planet. Aside from that, the song itself has an interesting addition of AI, which amazes me considering how popular the subject matter has become lately!
Clare Easdown’s music has always piqued my intrigue. Wanna know why? Well, if you’re a newcomer to our reviews or maybe her music, you’ll be glad to know that it’s her soothing voice that draws us in every time. “NOT READY TO DIE” is no stranger to that aspect, and Clare pulls off a memorable performance to enchant the audience. Her soulful vocals mix with light piano keys, background vocals, and mellow beats. Altogether, it’s a lovely combination of rhythm that keeps us pondering her words and reflecting on the deep lyricism of the track. I admire a track that has important issues in focus. It reminds me every time that music is a pathway to spreading valuable causes that always need attention.
If you’re a fan of dark pop music and intense songwriting, then please give NOT READY TO DIE by Clare Easdown a go! It’s a powerful track that will resonate with your spirit and have you coming back for more.

Review by: Damien Reid