Led by Mick Hellman, Highway Wolf’s debut EP, Purdie’s Dream is a soulful journey through memories, aspirations, dualities, and introspections. Inspired by Hellman’s beloved dog, Purdie, and the legendary drummer Bernard Purdie, the EP channels a spirit of rhythm and resilience, pulsating with Americana roots and introspective songwriting.
The journey of Purdie’s Dream begins with “Back In the High Life Again,” a sun-kissed serenade to simpler times. Gentle guitar strums mingle with upbeat percussion. The backing vocals add a soulful depth, hinting at the longing for bygone moments.
The urban landscape takes center stage in “In the City.” A low, brooding intro gives way to a pulsating guitar groove. Reverbed vocals and soulful harmonies paint a picture of resilience amidst the harsh neon glow. The raw and poignant lyrics offer a glimpse into the city’s underbelly, where hope flickers despite the hardships.
From cityscapes to internal landscapes, “Father & Son” delves into the dualities within us. Contemplative vocals and strumming guitars explore the push and pull between the civilized and the untamed.
The tempo picks up again with “Blue Letter,” fueled by energetic riffs and thumping drums. The voice soars as he sings of searching for paradise and a soulmate.
Purdie’s Dream closes with the hauntingly beautiful “Silver Springs.” Swirling instrumentals and slow-paced vocals create a dreamy atmosphere, perfectly capturing the longing for a lost love. The lyrics, poetic and raw, speak of a love that transcends time and distance, its echo forever imprinted on the heart.
Purdie’s Dream sparks up artistic confidence and emotional depth. Highway Wolf lingers in our minds long after the final note fades.
Review By: Naomi Joan