Sheitan & The Pussy Magnets release groovy new song ‘Back Into The Trap’
Bad boy methods to enliven a crowd: casual demeanor and opulent music. The five Parisians (The Smiths, The Last Shadow Puppets, etc.) are unapologetically influenced by British rock, but the soundtrack they create sounds like it could be from a 1960s film noir. The fuzz is ambushed by a ritornello, and there is just the right amount of mystery and tease.
They sang their bad blood in Parisian venues and on the Culturebox show set before their debut EP, ‘Nothing To Be Said’, was released at the end of 2021. The inspiration from across the Channel has been praised by numerous media outlets. The group returned to the studio in 2022 to record a second EP, titled ‘In The Mood For Nothing’, which will be made available on March 10th, 2023. They recently released a catchy new song ‘Back Into The Trap’.
Check out their new song here!