Sydney’s Guard released uplifting new song ‘Prophet Of Trouble’

Sydney’s Guard, a multi-talented artist, has released his first electronic dance music album, ‘Prophet Of Trouble’. Route Note Music is the label that is releasing the album. It contains three songs from the 2017 EP ‘Sense Of Direction’, which was distributed by the German label One Sun Neon. ‘Run-Extended Final’, ‘Run-Extended Final (Peter Mills Remix)’, and ‘Sense Of Direction’ made up the EP. Sydney’s Guard’s vocal range and low-end abilities are demonstrated on the brutally hard-thumping ‘Prophet Of Trouble’ and ‘Watch Your Moves’, which both feature growling vocal samples that sound horrifying. Without a doubt, ‘Run- Extended Final’ indicates it is on the high side. The remaining songs on the album are no different from what you’ll hear at most raves and will undoubtedly surprise you with their creativity.
Sydney’s Guard made the decision to write ‘Prophet of Trouble’, a song that depicts what he is perceived to be, as a way of letting go of that trauma. Paul Rogers, a Welshman, was drawn to the song and gave it the current rendition. They continued to make tracks remotely after being pleased with ‘Prophet Of Trouble’s outcome. You can hear this right now on the album ‘Prophet Of Trouble’.
Check out his new song here!

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