Tarwarl releases fiery new song ‘Barricadoed Strong’

The name of the legendary sword Talwarl always made the band think of magic. Possessing a small amount of magic is like possessing a sparkle that keeps the joy of youth alive. The song is about the first dream the singer can remember having as a child (3 or 4 years old). In this dream, he was a spirit that was peacefully floating through a vast ocean’s depths. Seaweeds all around, and then he stumbled upon a ruined temple or palace of what appeared to be Atlantis. The entrance was attractively dark.
Talwarl serves as both a tool for navigating the ritual passage between the two worlds and a means of getting over obstacles in daily life. The verses’ crushing effects of time passing, like an army marching toward its doom, are enhanced by the guitar riff played on a palm muted guitar.
As experience may color and make us fuller without changing us, the song ends as it did in the beginning, albeit with a slightly more complex rhythm. The war horns that once heralded the crack of a young dawn in the East continue to march toward a foul dusk in the West.
Check out their new song here!