“The Cry of War,” a new offering by Gary Dranow and The Manic Emotions, transcends the realm of mere music, emerging as a stirring anthem that echoes the yearning for freedom and self-determination. Released on September 28, 2023, as part of the upcoming double album “Never Give Up,” this song carries a poignant message that resonates deeply.
The heart of “The Cry of War” beats with the unwavering patriotism of the Ukrainian people, who courageously face the tide of greed and power. The song’s narrative extends beyond the current struggle, envisioning a future where not only Ukraine but all those oppressed find their path to liberty. This vision is beautifully woven into the musical fabric, featuring a dynamic ensemble of electric guitars, bass, drums, and soaring vocals.
Drawing inspiration from revered artists like Counting Crows, The Verve, Oasis, Train, and Bryan Adams, “The Cry of War” seeks to carve its place among timeless anthems. It explores the themes of unconditional love and the indomitable spirit nurtured by national pride.
In essence, “The Cry of War” transcends the confines of a typical song, emerging as a potent statement of resilience and hope. With its timeless message of unwavering love and the universal aspiration for freedom, it stands as an anthem for our times.
Review By: Diana Reed