Jodi Heights is here to remind you of your failings as an earthling with her song, The Iceberg. Her song, in itself, is a unique piece of art for its distinctive storyline and dialogue coming from an instructor on another planet talking about a “time” when “humans ruled the world,” indicating their extinction with a “display of their remains.” The music video, directed by Noah Dickinson, is a powerful visual representation of human beings bringing their own downfall in the face of global warming.
While Jodi sat with her marvelous night blue long trained gown before a pristine white grand piano, a group of dancers presented themselves. Jodi’s melodious voice with a suspenseful tone took an emotive turn to her music by heightening pathos with ethos in her lyrics, building up the sense of loss and grave misery with the terrible repercussions of fatuous thoughtlessness.
The sense of dread in the structure is perfectly represented in the first verse: “Business and technology were going strong/But consumption couldn’t be sustained/Hard to imagine how many of them there were/Billions of them living out their lives/And here in our history book of planet earth is the story of their own demise.” The choreography interweaved with her contextual references turns the whole act into a masterpiece. And the props go to the choreographer, Rachel Hettinger, for making Jodi’s ode to the misery the earth sustained and the previous inhabitants that fell come to life. Go check out Jodi Heights’ mastery in her YouTube music video, The Iceberg.
Photo Credit: David Cahill, Suzanne Torrison, Noah Dickinson
Review By: Naomi Joan