Got Away by Kendall Bowser: Review

Kendall Bowser has an endearing voice that calms your soul and soothes your senses. Her delightful song “Got Away” follows through with that promise, and guarantees a sensational cadence while at it. If you’re an avid follower of the folk-pop genre, then you’re gonna love her music ladies and gents. “Got Away” has a poetic sentiment attached to it, and it connects beautifully with the guitar-layered rhythms and gentle tempo.
“Got Away” starts off with a serene acoustic section followed by a calming singer inviting us to hear her tale. Kendall’s voice is a cross between soft-pop and indie. Thus, this wonderful combination allows her vocals to enter a melodic trance that is both wholesome and enchanting to hear. Eventually, the song’s tempo takes it up a notch and the musical dimensions draw us in further. A catchy electric guitar enters the melody and transforms the gentle tempo of the track into a full-blown folk-rock masterpiece. Kendall’s voice elevates further and she manages to exhibit a spellbinding performance. It’s tough to back away from such a charming voice, especially when the instruments align so darn well with each verse. The melodic cohesion is lovely, and I’ve been hearing the track on repeat solely because of it.
If you’re seeking the precise amount of bliss and harmony in your folk-pop search, then you can’t go wrong with “Got Away” by Kendall Bowser. Do check out her music, peeps!

Review by: Damien Reid