“Mirror on the Wall” by the Los Angeles-based artist Zhazira is a captivating journey through the realms of fantasy and self-discovery. Inspired by a fantasy book series where the protagonist unlocks the power to traverse diverse worlds, this song is a sonorous exploration of liberation.
At its core, “Mirror on the Wall” is a portal to a world of ethereal soundscapes and introspective lyrics. The instrumental arrangement, deliberately simplistic yet profoundly effective, mirrors the essence of the song’s message. The drums lay down steady rhythms, acting as a reliable anchor without overwhelming the mix. Meanwhile, keyboards and synthesizers weave intricate layers of lush textures that envelop the listener in an otherworldly atmosphere.
Zhazira, the mastermind behind this musical odyssey, takes center stage as a singer, songwriter, and producer. Her journey from Kazakhstan to the vibrant musical landscape of Los Angeles at the age of 21 is a testament to her unwavering pursuit of dreams. In “Mirror on the Wall,” her talent shines brightly, offering a glimpse into her creative depths.
This song isn’t just a random melody; it’s a reflection of a fantasy world where liberation is the key theme. The protagonist’s journey, mirroring our own quest for freedom and self-discovery, is beautifully encapsulated in Zhazira’s lyrics and delivered through her enchanting vocals.
As we delve into the music, it’s impossible not to feel transported to the worlds described in the fantasy book series that inspired it. Zhazira’s voice acts as a guiding light, leading us through a labyrinth of emotions and revelations.
Review By: Diana Reed