In “Mythologies” by Herald K, he shows the power of a reader through his writings. The reader’s thoughtful depth often goes unnoticed. A consumer is rife with thoughts and imaginations hiding in each page, nook, and corner, every flip, word, and syllable merged with their unique idiolect. Herald K is one such consumer of various myths and legends, with his own take on them.
The arrangements on “Mythologies” shine with their folksy charm and acoustic instrumentation. The stripped-down nature of the arrangements allows the stories and poetry of Herald’s lyrics to take center stage, creating an intimate and captivating listening experience.
With mythologies swirling in each of the ten tracks of Herald’s album, Herald K’s gentle yet emotive vocals draw the listener into the myth of each song, evoking a sense of connection and resonance. Starting with “Old Soul,” we are given a swift intro to classic folk sound, with Herald K’s hearty voice replenishing the soundscape with warmth. “Echo’s Song” reminded me largely of Leonard Cohen with its narrative style and his thick timbre. It’s direct and yet not cold, warm and wise, and makes you want to drink a cup of hot chocolate sitting by a window overlooking a snowy forest.
Much of the music on Herald’s album is allusive and directly points toward an allegorical piece. With some whimsical female vocals on “Arethusa” and “Echo’s Song” from Lina Louise and Jessica Slavik, his album ties a red knot, wrapping up the bass, piano, strings, and so on, played by multiple talents. With teamwork, “Mythologies” by Herald K was accomplished into a magical masterpiece that is straight-off unadulterated talent. If you love literature, you will love the allusions in the “Mythologies” album.

Review By: Naomi Joan