Big Jayyy takes us into his psyche in his latest single, “Split,” released on April 20. The song is a dynamic and introspective conversation between Big Jayyy and his alter ego, drawing inspiration from the movie and book Fight Club.
Recorded in Big Jayyy’s small home studio, and mixed and mastered by both the artist himself and Matrix Audio, “Split” features a beat produced by BadSoul that drops soothingly against a relaxing guitar riffing melody. The song’s structure beautifully balances contrasting elements, giving us an engaging listening.
The high and soft female voice sings the chorus with a gentle and hypnotic delicacy. She sings with an innocuous soothing tone that provides a perfect counterpoint to the intense rap verses. These choruses act as a calming interlude amidst the energetic and emotionally charged rap segments.
Big Jayyy’s rapping is where the track truly shines. With a smug, cool, yet angry and intimidating, vengeful tone, he delivers his verses with rapid-fire precision. His fast-paced delivery is catchy and contagious, hooking listeners with every word. The lyrics reflect a worn-out mental state, resonating with those who have faced similar internal battles. His voice conveys a raw and authentic sense of struggle just like that of Tyler Durden, making the emotional depth of the song palpable and relatable to all of us.
The back-and-forth nature of the song is brilliantly executed. It captures the essence of internal conflict, making “Split” a whole performative experience.

Review By: Naomi Joan