“Captive” by Fury of a Dying Planet, helmed by London-based musician and producer Doug Rimington, is a powerful outcry against the horrors of animal testing, delivered with unrelenting intensity and raw emotion.
From the moment the song starts, you’re engulfed in a whirlwind of fast beats and blazing riffs, creating an increasingly ominous aura around the song. As the gnarled, metallic vocals of Paul Brigstock (Blacklight Vice) pierce through the storm of instrumentals, you can feel the tension and fury mounting with each word.
Doug wrote, performed and produced “Captive” from scratch to portray the suffering endured by innocent animals trapped in cages for the sake of human greed. Brigstock’s impassioned delivery with soaring and trailing vocals brings Doug’s words to life, driving home the message with visceral impact.
But Fury of a Dying Planet doesn’t stop at just the music—they’re using their platform to make a difference. Doug Rimington has partnered with organizations like the Humane Society International to raise awareness about animal testing. Check out the lyric video to remind yourself of the cruelty inflicted upon these creatures.
Inspired by documentaries like “Seaspiracy,” Fury of a Dying Planet began as a call to action. With “Captive,” they are urging us to confront the world’s injustices and take a stand against them. With their unyielding passion and unwavering dedication, Fury of a Dying Planet is fighting to make a difference, one song at a time.
Review By: Naomi Joan