Crumble by Jason Shand: Review

“Crumble” is a pleasant pop-rock number by Jason Shand. This talented NYC-based musician has shaped a resonant melody that stays in your head long after its exit. He does this brilliantly through a touching vocal sequence and soothing guitars that draw us in. With that being said folks, if you’re seeking a chill pop song to calm your thoughts, then look no further than Jason’s tune.
A delicate chemistry between acoustic chords and pianos forms at the start of “Crumble.” And as soon as Jason starts singing, our nerves lose their tension, and an aura of positivity surrounds our being. This essence is heightened with the inclusion of a vibing bass melody and upbeat percussions to keep it company. Eventually, when the crescendo hits, Jason signals a relaxing halt, only to ascend again with a powerful scream. I was completely taken aback by this sequence and his vocal chops. Really didn’t expect that, and top-notch stuff! Coming back to that portion about the acoustic guitar and piano lines, folks that part alone should get you hooked on the cadence of “Crumble.” Everything else, especially Jason’s magical voice, is a surplus and adds to the enchantment of the piece.
Jason Shand’s melodic aura truly impressed me. What’s even more impressive is that both his singles “X Factor” and “The Petty Narcissist (Arctic Ocean)” peaked at #1 on the World and European Indie Charts. Thus, after hearing “Crumble,” I can understand why this amazing feat came to be.

Review by: Damien Reid