Jen Ash, a former professional basketball player turned R&B singer-songwriter, broke out onto the world music scene with her single, โCrush On You.โ The song received 29K Spotify streams and shot to the top of the UK iTunes R&B Songs chart. The artist, who was raised in France but was born in Lebanon, has amassed over 100K Spotify plays and over 5K monthly listeners.
Now Jen Ash is releasing the song that is the most intimate to her. With โNo Lover Lover,โ Jen tackles a subject that is sure to be relatable to many. Check out the song and the exclusive interview below:
1. Can you tell us a bit about where you come from and how it all got started?
JEN ASH: I grew up in France and I was playing professional basketball . I always loved music , but I mean who doesnโt?
I didnโt realized I could sing until one of my friend heard me singing along with the radio station . I moved to California and I met wonderful people who helped me to get started , explain me how to become and independent artist and I started to really put my music out there in 2018 .
2. Did you have any formal training or are you self-taught?
JEN ASH: I unfortunately do not have any former training . Iโve learn on my own and by watching and observing others . I am still learning today . I have no problem asking questions to understand the process every step of the way . Iโm a late bird and started to take vocals lessons in 2021. But better late than never .
3. Who were your first and strongest musical influences and why the name โJEN ASHโ?
JEN ASH: Growing up in France I was listening to a lot of Celine Dion and Lara Fabian , two powerful French female vocalists . Iโve always wanted to reach their level in term of vocal technique .
Christina Aguilera and Pink were 2 of my favorites as well , edgy and powerful show women .
Jlo in the 2000โs was phenomenal and I admire her ability to create a brand for herself .
For the name I wanted something easy to remember but also meaningful
Jen comes from Jennifer my first name
My last name is Lebanese and most people canโt pronounce it properly . So I took the first 3 letter of it ACH and switched the C for the S . Ash represent Ashes , being rebirth from your Ashes . Iโve transformed a lot , Iโve grown so much over the years and every time I have a tower moment when everything crumble and go wrong I recreate myself stronger and better and I wanted to always remember . that is why โAshโ .
4. What do you feel are the key elements in your music that should resonate with listeners, and how would you personally describe your sound?
JEN ASH: I try my best to be vulnerable. What people want is music they can relate to. I share my stories to tell them that no matter what life brings , the good or the bad, they are not alone .
We create Art for the people not for us . Sharing life experience with them , telling the truth , not hiding any emotions is what resonate with listeners .
I had a lot of 90โs Rnb in my ears growing up and I miss it and want to bring it back , so I would say Soul/Rnb .
But I honestly donโt want to be stuck in one genre. I wanna be free to explore any sound.
I really enjoy Afro music and I hope to collaborate on an Afro song in the future.

5. For most artists, originality is first preceded by a phase of learning and, often, emulating others. What was this like for you? How would you describe your own development as an artist and music maker, and the transition towards your own style, which is known as R&B?
I denied and refused to embrace who I was before . I have my French accent and I have my style of doing things and wearing clothes . And people were telling me what I should do and how I should sing and how I should speak , and to loose my accents etc โฆ
I made the mistake to listen , because I though it would bring me success, but I was wrong. Iโve learn to embrace who I am as a person , as an artist and it is so much more fun . I needed to understand that I was different from other people , and own it. I had to stop being uncomfortable with not fitting in a room . Iโve learn to enjoy it .
In term of music , I found myself when I started to write my own songs , I was insecure about it before , because English is not my 1st language but I went for it and I had a lot of good feedback so I kept going in that direction. I told myself if I donโt sing what I love I canโt share the emotion properly and I canโt connect with people the way I want it. When it comes to style . I had a misadventure that turned out to be a blessing . I had long dark curly hair and I wanted to be blonde . The hair dresser I went to couldnโt do it and damage my hair really bad that I had to cut it short . And I decided to do what I would probably never dare to do . I shaved one side of my hair and I did a platinum blonde and it feels amazing . It reflects my personality and who I am as an artist .ย
6. Whatโs your view on the role and function of music as political, cultural, spiritual, and/or social vehicles โ and do you try and affront any of these themes in your work, or are you purely interested in music as an expression of technical artistry, personal narrative, and entertainment?
I honestly would like to be more involved. It is very difficult to find the right words.ย But I believe music is here to awake us , as much as other type of Art . I wrote a song when George Floyed got killed and I had a lot of angry people cursing at me on my instagram Dmโs and it was very hurtful specially when you create from a place of love and compassion.ย But now Iโm mentally stronger than before. So it is sometimes I would definitely consider doing again.
7. Do you feel that your music is giving you back just as much fulfillment as the amount of work you are putting into it or are you expecting something more, or different in the future?
This is a very good question .
I honestly work so hard , I do it from a place of love and passion. And I am so grateful for having this fire and this creativity in me . If not I would probably be miserable . The work is a part of the process and Iโve learned to embrace it . I do expect to reach more people , to be heard by more souls around the globe. My expectations for the future is to do music full time without having a side job to pay the bills . I want to be recognized for my music and have more time to create and perform for other . The love that people gives me when I perform is inexplicable , it is magical .
8. Could you describe your creative processes? How do usually start, and go about shaping ideas into a completed song? Do you usually start with a tune, a beat, or a narrative in your head? And do you collaborate with others in this process?
I usually start with a beat that Iโm drown to . I usually write alone . I need to be in my bubble and isolated with the music out loud to be able to put my ideas into words . At least for the 1st draft
My Ideas comes from real life experiences , the feeling of a memory or someone else story that I shape into a song . Then I record it at home and listen to it millions times in the car and see if I want to make changes .
Once I feel solid with my choices . I then can move forward with the recording process.
9. What has been the most difficult thing youโve had to endure in your life or music career so far?
Being a woman independent artist in the industry can be tricky . You dealing with people that offer you work in exchange of physical intercourse. It isย very unpleasant and sickening .
Without representation , they try to take advantage of you and think you would do everything to succeed .
I believe in my destiny and I will not go against my values and my education to get there faster . I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror an be proud of who I am and what I have accomplished.
10. On the contrary, what would you consider a successful, proud or significant point in your life or music career so far?
Iโve gone a long way and I am proud of every single step I take . Every new song I release , every video I create , every show I perform . I am proud of getting up every day and going for it with no fear and so much Drive !!!!
11. With social media having a heavy impact on our lives and the music business in general, how do you handle criticism, haters, and/or naysayers in general? Is it something you pay attention to, or simply ignore?
JEN ASH: I usually ignore them .People hate because they are ignorant or they reflect their own fears and shadowย . I believe there is room for everyone in this world . And if you do not like something , just donโt watch or donโt listen. Itโs like food . You donโt like tomatoes , well donโt eat them .
12. Creative work in a studio or home environment, or interaction with a live audience? Which of these two options excites you most, and why?
JEN ASH: Live audience for sure !!!! I would be on stage every day if I could .
People energy is magical , it takes me in another place and it is the best feeling I have experienced so far . As I said before I do music to connect with people and every single show is different and every single live performance is feeding my soul with so much love . It is impossible to explain .
13. Do you think is it important for fans of your music to understand the real story and message driving each of your songs, or do you think everyone should be free to interpret your songs in their own personal way?
JEN ASH: I believe I have to share the story behind no matter what . People take whatever they need or want from it , it is not up to me .
I share everything I have and do my best to be as transparent as I can and thenย they take what suit them in the moment . They decide.