Yannis Koser’s piano solo titled “Forestrium” is an innovative feat in contemporary music. Released on July 14th, this extraordinary piece brilliantly captures the enchanting melodies of birds, leaving listeners in awe of the wondrous ability of humans to emulate the beauty of the wilderness.
The heart of “Forestrium” lies within a lush forest, serving as a perfect backdrop for this one-of-a-kind soundscape. As soon as the music begins, the intimate ambiance transports the audience to a universe where vibrant, colorful nature and music coexist in perfect harmony. But the real stroke of genius lies in the title itself.
The portmanteau “Forestrium”, a clever blend of “forest” and “auditorium,” embodies the visionary concept where the natural world and a magical setting converge. In this setting, the enchanting keys of the piano morph into actual bird beaks.
What sets Koser apart is his remarkable talent as a painter and illustrator, which allows him to bridge the gap between music and visual art. The cutting-edge composition techniques, combined with vivid imagination, allow for a seamless fusion of bird sounds and piano music.
The mixing and mastering of HARMONIC take the whole experience up a notch. Every note and nuance has been executed to a tee, crafting an ethereal soundscape that transports you far beyond the bounds of imagination.
All in all, “Forestrium” is a masterpiece that showcases the true essence of visionary creativity. Through a mesmerizing blend of nature and music, Koser takes his audience on a transformative journey, where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur.
Review by: Grace Donovan