“Fun and Games” is a playful nine-track album created by Brother Andrew. Andrew said he put it together with a “YOLO” mindset, fusing country with rock to bring something refreshing to the table in a world of over-produced songs.
“Chess” opens “Fun and Games” with a joyful track you cannot help but smile at. The sound of the trumpet-like tune before the chorus creates a joyous, uplifting mood. “Chess” tells the feelings of a man towards his lady through a game of chess by personifying the pieces.
“Eat So Well,” the third track of “Fun and Games,” has a banger opening from the intense pounding of drums, followed by Andrew’s assertive vocals. The chorus of this song combines a pattern of thundering drum beats with a heavier, more upbeat vocal range, which will have your eardrums “eating well.”
“Tennis” is a testament to Andrew’s vocal prowess, from the lyrics sung on a high note, combined with melodious vocal “ah-ing,” layered with crashing drums and cello, creating a hauntingly beautiful experience to the listener’s ears.
“Fun and Games” comes to a close with “Harder to Remember”. It tells the story of a man with fading memories of his old lover. The emotional punch this song brings hits hard due to the hold Andrew has with his powerful vocals. There is an intense ascending cello like synth play midway into the track, which builds a climax and is released seamlessly with a smooth vocal melody, which makes “Harder to Remember” harder to forget!
Pre-Save & Invite your eardrums to a journey full of bliss by listening to “Fun and Games.”

Review by Aria Cohen