Here’s To Your Bones by Cell Games: Review

Irish heavyweights Cell Games arrive with their intense nu-metal track “Here’s To Your Bones.” The song has a gripping rhythm section with a grunge-style guitar tone and a vocalist that commands the piece. With a cathartic edge and a gravelly essence about it, the metal band shows no weakness in this number as they scream and thrash their way into musical bliss.
The heavy metal genre was my escape back in the day. Hope that doesn’t make me sound like such a boomer, but yeah it was musical escapism at its finest. So, you can already sense my excitement with the weighty presence of “Here’s To Your Bones.” First of all, kudos on the song title fellas, truly digging the gothic essence. Anyway, the song has a powerful aura about it. The singer just takes the mic and heavily screams in the style of 2000s nu-metal. That’s not the only positive facet! Where good metal music shines, a special drummer is behind its amazing force. So, the presence of drumming in Cell Games’ track was ground-breaking. A teeth-grinding tension surfaced and each transition felt more spell-binding and sinister too if I may add.
Nu-metal was where I found my musical footing in my sophomore years as a guitarist. I’m truly proud of that period in life, and hearing the music of Cell Games brought back memories I still cherish to this day. The band’s exhilarating song “Here’s To Your Bones” is perfect for any metal enthusiast, so I urge you all to hear it asap!

Photo credits: Jade Costello
Review by: Damien Reid