“Northodoxian” by Northodoxian, a six-track progressive rock album, is a sonic journey filled with rich musical landscapes, intricate arrangements, and powerful performances. Led by the multi-talented Lauri Laubre, this album has been a labor of love for over a decade. The artist shows his musical integrity with the meticulous fusion of liturgical choral music, intricate guitar and drum sections, and progressive rock elements.
The introductory track, “Great Litany,” opens with a powerful choral performance that reverberates with a sense of orchestral grandeur. Drums punctuate the piece with pounding rhythms, creating a backdrop for shimmering instrumentals and driving guitars.
“Northodoxium,” the third track, introduces listeners with an immersive soundscape. Drums pump the immersion with a heart beat in the glimmering and atmospheric scenic aural field. The punctuated effects enhance the overall experience
The closing track, “A Hero,” begins with a suspenseful arrangement with accompanying sweet flutes that transport the audience to a world of anthemic build-up. The music takes on a more resilient and fiery character, with intimidating drumming taking center stage. The journey through this track feels epic and triumphant, leaving a lasting impression.
While musicians contributed their skills from Estonia, Ukrainian guitarist Gennadiy Grimov recorded his parts amid challenging circumstances in a war-torn Mykolaiv. Incorporating spiritual choral performances, the album extends beyond traditional rock conventions, creating a captivating listening experience that bridges gaps.
“Northodoxian” is a remarkable journey through sound, emotion, and culture, inviting you to immerse yourself in the complex yet captivating world of Northodoxian.
Review By: Naomi Joan