Step into the enchanting world of “Quiet City,” the mesmerizing EP by Stoop Pigeon, where mellow jazz tunes weave tales of urban moods and contemplative musings.
The EP, led by the talented trio of Dan Saulpaugh on guitar, Alejandro Luna on drums, and Jonathan Toscano on bass, instantly captivates with its moody and introspective atmosphere. Each track is a masterpiece of its own, drawing the listener into a tranquil cityscape guided by the glimmery and lush sounds of the jazzy guitar. Emotions flow freely amidst the bustling city lights where one feels alone even amid a crowd.
“300 Miles (Forgiveness),” the opening track, is an evocative jazz instrumental that speaks volumes with the guitar weaving a melancholic melody and conveying the lingering emotions of parting ways with a lover. The music transports us to a moment of contemplation, where forgiveness is sought amidst the urban chaos.
“Bronx River Sunrise” has a rhythmic pattern in the drums that gives it a little more life in the album. The gentle touch of the guitar creates a serene soundscape, while the drums provide a subtle heartbeat. But as the EP unfolds, “When Last We Spoke” emerges as a poignant and downbeat piece wrapped in a peaceful ambiance. “Quiet City” ends with the track “A Sleepin’ Bee,” emanating a bittersweet touch of jovial nostalgia.
So, let the enchanting melodies of “Quiet City” wash over you like a soothing wave, carrying you to a realm of stories of love, loss and reflection woven in the practical urban world.
Review By: Naomi Joan