After a long, hard day, let Jacko Hooper sedate you and transcend you to higher ground with his newly released album, โRepair.โ With an electro-acoustic guitar plucked spatially, synthesizers, and a reverberating Jacko Hooper in the back, Respair comes alive with the sound of its first track, โNowhere.โ
The first track almost always has more to say in a confounding and introductory sort of way, but Respair just lets it go. It inaugurates atmospherically, with the instrumentals almost howling a story for the rest of the song to follow. Then we are brought to his next track, โGetting No Place Fast.โ An ironic title, yet it speaks for itself.
The previous track only gave you a gist of what Jacko Hooper sounded like because you realized just how tender and delicate his voice is when unbacked by reverb or falsetto in his track, โZombie.โ
Now onto the titular track, with the same name as its album: Respair. We listened to this track with much hope that it would Respair Jacko Hooper is trying to represent.
He sings, โI was surrendered to what I have been under/I never thought I was in control,โ relating to how easily we can spiral into despair from our inability to curb our mental issues.
In My Hometownโs A Graveyard, Jacko Hooper comes fully equipped with his vocals lulling in the lowest and most tender timbre and register, illustrating how he plays at his best. Itโs a showdown of his excellent vocal range, ranging from high to low.
Jacko Hooper has truly outdone himself and his musical abilities with Respair. He released it on March 24th. Check it out ASAP.

Review By: Naomi Joan