Same by Said Sara: Review

The acoustic guitar paves the way for Said Sara’s emotional tune “Same.” A dark melody is formed, and the presence of folk stays intact in this musical ode. David Benson sings a heartfelt tale, while a resonant guitar keeps us company. The artist’s nature is comforting to hear and sets the perfect mood by a campfire while the earthy scent of woodland surrounds us.
“Same” is Benson’s soulful extract in a charming melody. His baritone voice maintains a pleasant pace and sends an invitation to keep listening. At times the lower scale is exchanged with a high-pitched tone that is equally resonant. The track’s aura is quite touching to hear, and I believe the mastering by Jesse Nichols kept that sentiment intact. Aside from that, Said Sara’s melody has a cadence that any folk music enthusiast can vibe with. This is primarily because of Benson’s guitar work on the piece. A combination of chord strumming, plucking, and banjo fillers formed a soothing essence where his voice blended in perfectly. From a songwriting perspective, I believe “Same” by Said Sara had a mysterious theme. It made hearing the number all the more intriguing and especially on repeat.
My experience with folk music spans almost a decade, and to this day it’s a cherished genre. The sole reason lies with the acoustic guitar’s role in this category. It’s such an influential instrument that defines folk music, and something which Said Sara captured beautifully.

Photo credits: Jeanie Chang
Review by: Damien Reid