Jocelyn Justice unveils the mesmerizing single “Space Cadet,” a sonic exploration produced entirely in her bedroom. With influences spanning from Bjork and Imogen Heap to Crystal Castles and Lights, Jocelyn creates an otherworldly soundscape that delves into the realms of maladaptive daydreaming.
The song initiates with immersive synths swirling and dispersing, immediately transporting listeners into an alternate dimension. Jocelyn, influenced by Bjork, Imogen Heap, Crystal Castles, and Lights, unfolds her music with the same otherworldly quality, setting the stage for an auditory daydream. The lines, “Hello Hello, Is Anybody there? Space Cadet,” serve as a beckoning call, as if gently pulling us out of our immersive reveries. The singer recreates what their partner says to pull them out when they have sunk into their maladaptive daydreaming.
Meanwhile, the beats hit the immersion with sharpness and thickness. They fall against the wave and engage us with vivid imagery of maladaptive daydreams. The sonic landscape she creates mirrors the idea of floating in space. The vision makes you feel quite lost and uncertain, yet perfectly safe. The contrast between the dreamlike quality of the music and the rhythmic beats helps us have a complete and balanced listening experience.
Jocelyn Justice’s “Space Cadet” invites us to surrender to the allure of daydreams, to be free in the unfamiliar, and to embark on a sonic odyssey that blurs the lines between reality and imagination.
Review By: Naomi Joan