Stand Together by 7000apart: Review
This fascinating new song, “Stand Together” was released in 2022 by 7000apart. It’s a tender plea for solidarity in the face of disaster. The band consists of only two members: Amelie Eiding and Jon Kresin. They’re a Swedish/American married couple who are keen on indie-pop. Their passion for music and one another has made them write heartfelt pop songs, together, which helped them get through the uncertainty of a long-distance relationship that lasted three years and was more than 7,000 kilometers apart. That’s how the name of the band got its inspiration.
They finished recording their first album, titled “We Are More” back in 2018. It was a project that was successfully crowdfunded by the band’s supporters. Even though the lyrics depict a dystopian future, the music itself has a more soothing and pleasant vibe.
“Stand Together” starts with a beautiful acoustic guitar strum and plucking sound that immediately calms the soul. When the amazing-sounding vocals begin it changes the entire ambiance and makes it more soothing. The groovy bass gives an amazing feel to the song, and when the drums come in it becomes a bit upbeat, yet soothing.
Their song is about, setting boundaries, mental health, and the struggle of human beings. It talks about issues and messages in a structured manner. The resulting soothing and calming effect of this track creates a very peaceful and well-grounded atmosphere.
Photo credits: Green Bay, WI
Review by: Stevie Waters