When the producer of a track is recommended by Sir Alan Parsons—the recording engineer on two of The Beatles albums—you know the track needs to be heard. IRONSMITH’s latest single, “Whose Hand,” keeps to its name with its compelling and anthemic narrative-driven rock composition.
Recorded at Shadow Sound Studios in Macon, Georgia, and produced by the esteemed Joey Stuckey, “Whose Hand” exudes a blend of classic rock nostalgia and contemporary resonance.
The song drew inspiration from the iconic Rolling Stones’ “Shattered,” the Smashing Pumpkins’ “1979,” and the artistry of Elvis Costello. However, IRONSMITH has been following decades of rock evolution to develop their sound.
Musically, “Whose Hand” captivates with its catchy instrumentals. Darin Drury’s relaxing yet upbeat guitar melodies intertwine with Cory Parker’s basslines, providing a sturdy foundation for Ed Thomas’s steady drum beats. The vocalist comes along with his deep timbre, delivering the lyrics with an engaging, emphatic, and impactful touch.
At its core, “Whose Hand” embodies a profound exploration of identity and purpose. The lyrics poignantly convey the universal journey of self-realization. Culminating the chorus is the striking one-liner—”Whose hand will water you?”—effortlessly highlighting the importance of self-care and reflection with a metaphoric connection to self-nourishment.
Amidst the cacophony of external pressures and expectations, the song encourages individuals to reconnect with their inner truths and reclaim sovereignty over their destinies.
IRONSMITH’s “Whose Hand” is a promising precedent for their upcoming album to drop on May 3, 2024. So stay tuned!

Review By: Naomi Joan