Day I Was Born ft. Jerry Manfredi by Gary Dranow: Review
Where would the music industry be without the magic of blues? Sure, all genres play an integral role in popular melodies, but there’s an aura about this specific genre that has resonated throughout time. This brings us to the sensational blues rock track “Day I Was Born” by veteran rocker Gary Dranow which features Jerry Manfredi too.
Gary has proven time and time again his ability to create a strong blues melody. I’ve heard an abundance of music from this fantastic bluesman, and without a doubt, it’s an eargasmic experience worth having. This is especially so with the song “Day I Was Born.” The track has a vintage road-blues voice and Stevie Ray Vaughan-inspired guitar sections. Each solo pays homage to rock legends and makes a strong impression on a hardcore follower such as myself. Furthermore, the song’s ebb and flow are pretty stunning. The musicians knew when to slow down such as with an organ solo, and when to speed up with guitar solos. All of it created a catchy aura that immersed me completely. Blues rock is the bee’s knees of the music biz, and artists such as Gary Dranow nail that aspect through the cadence of “Day I Was Born.”
Folks, if you’re seeking the ideal blues number this week, then don’t miss out on the excitement of “Day I Was Born.” It’s an epic track that impressed me, like any other track by Gary Dranow.
Photo credits: TimePunkPhotography
Review by: Damien Reid